Dark web links

Summer’24 list of dark web links

Last Updated: June 19, 2024By Tags: ,

Please find to your esteemed attention a recent list of dark web links (last checked May 2023). It is by far not exhaustive, but offers a glimpse into the underbelly of the internet.

  • DeepKillers – el76yaydv2bf2vmysh7hcgyhuln2udhzka5ghmvo15habf7ptpxt7yd.onion
  • HadesKartel – ob5vd3lozej3mjxspleevcda6s3eysy3apocfcs6uappbn4qep6odad.onion
  • CP CP CP – cpcpcp2cfsem2g3t6k224rg3ruaqrb6stxsswx4pvjfesehsvmd2yhid.onion
  • DarkMarketX – lb4vbqmq5txfydl2iksvbgu2lr7kpehqqjw3lwpn6oki64qdghpwcad.onion
  • EDMusic – r3xymeiyumzfslabdoomurkk6hvjxvbk4fzs3yfnzddvefx4zkon2qd.onion
  • Deseardy – g2brlwl4d6va7qm43ftvjnfmyfgp34xgngq5agpfdehf5iuynipmlid.onion
  • DeathDen – 6yvq5fdjiwntu5ocllv3v7hzutdnvwm4gtf6cql3m72tsuc5onk3n3id.onion
  • PhantomBuy – tvhu2n3o3gvsncv455tkyrfot7lauknf2qyi7zqshaxwsvj5kvs22ad.onion
  • SilentWeaponz – t3vklj6f3e3mr2zasv3xhaq4qqwrqyum4qcobzmydjylqo2552pakad.onion
  • FlamingCloud – ev323opffcrvpaieja6q3s3j7hgs7jlinueatcmce2np727hu6hd2yd.onion
  • MayhemMasters – gmrqhcnqzygi635iuywmix3yahl66hyrqpph5il4gu4yoqnbsuvi4yd.onion
  • UndergroundMafia – l22kmicleuwbirmvydw2ba2pydrrd5h2un3m2im2cgtf3f52xua4fqd.onion
  • Phantombuyer – 3v54kcceeb5nzs6zvm4o5kpd4tikugqwxqkluuilyv6qfbwt4zpdpad.onion
  • TheDarkSide – 2ctgez7zv6i2scxsexinr4sf2frt54t3bdifqf6zr3d2hjgcvdw3had.onion
  • Cryptonews – w4ilmspubh2bcnphgety4svvyzkwvnryuggmmhzruud6uepw775qdad.onion
  • VoidBazaar – 7xfoahtafoj626utgpzesexa2greg63sw4k6xaxn3eicdpmezh3q3ad.onion
  • Spectrum – liwikx4pkxapjpwyp2gboa2ung57xuxt2gfr6zenlpgu2imddpdssqd.onion
  • DarkRoom – wfaelh2p3gsfzge24zlwucm34cgtg76h679pagcamb64qm6re7iogad.onion
  • DarkBarter – b6emea4vtk3v7mevxv7h3lre6vz2pzs75hrxdtfrqmz2hk7ikmkw4yd.onion
  • DarkMiners – nswivvsy2m37hr65ixyawb6pevgsq6q2pu2t47fpxr3maxkbm33g2id.onion
  • VanguardNet – 4vqrxjy55antupwj6g5xd2ctluoxziae7magx5sf4jb67gcbjmusyid.onion
  • Robotext – us4obg5ud2uze2i6hgxynclwmhd7xt3fcl4bygehpzlagmabsy6w6ad.onion
  • BlackMask – p7anemhtboo5buwzhgeb7dbsz6wnen5kxtaa6fhowvavufxwzcozxad.onion
  • DarkSpace – w5q2a6xgl3upd443axn5hg62qrloijmfrdfcc3bbi6u2wvba7somfad.onion
  • ValhallaMarket – b2nnvlnxk6u3vsjtlwteah4ae2abvgr5hehnejpqa7dnwezsfslsguqd.onion
  • DarkRobin – re3kohl6q5yyz3jyopi4c3zhl3q37hsuj5mheop35xc7gie6ogig3id.onion
  • LuciferX – 73wsriazj2uhqehggckmuf4vayaevs5ha2iwerh2qgoaeqmlym5ptad.onion
  • ShadowNet – c3snq54u4xfltcvdpx2mmalgvothg4ik6dzen6jkjskgeg5ltbz5id.onion
  • Revolution – n4q74olx6ybi4ikptoo7ixqai62enst2acde5yq3zm7qbp2vgvujtqd.onion
  • DarkLand – l4oktxuapvx2brfih7v3ln2qp75qrybc44wu3fkaauhzn6vpwcxudoqd.onion
  • Doper4 – doper4hlniid73vok23mmjl5vpcbyf5dyhy7ilnj4vuthyuzeectfiqd.onion
  • CyberWars – ucgeio4k6z5vztgw4ifqar7j3tsg2mxk4qi6sfpmnizmu6qu6zv65yd.onion
  • DataThieves – zmzfgg2pxmql64zwxo2k3egq3k5mzq7eylc7glrmtnf2plhaukytkyd.onion
  • BINGO – xxthoqs44cczet56okqux3fhckxuabw33qlalnzo7p2lu5illcfjb4qd.onion
  • GoldMax – goldmax43ecxkg22ayvtbocypqk7lxqlxvo5jik2izotp2vggol635yd.onion
  • SinisterMarket – li4da2dxewftnmqro6vwrlvuhhb3rj7mowi3tq5k5oqeixqmila2iad.onion
  • ToxicSurf – a3vwgrda2futppo3srplaab6ulep5h3fxyr784vmrwed3kxdbr3fhad.onion
  • TorchMarketplace – qpoqrbzfvdvrqn4ejxjw6y6xuh3ynfqa6untmcu22oepzngfpa2bxad.onion
  • TheHighSpot – 6jmhng7jmbbrfmxsqy4roblvhnfdwigjmascorvjfh2mig7ouxugrad.onion
  • TheLost – 54nrtsprydm2zyjvhmequ7uw3p5mvemz4vigeq3dp6kza6y2kykk3yd.onion
  • DeepVault – ko7vbbcirl43yrrmqibjzurharn7nd3ovut7ahz3pixt6nt6dax5sad.onion
  • ExtinctionMarket – 6vnaqdpe3yn3ik3fek3pmy3jvijmmjd62mcslpexcf2f7n3rs56x3yd.onion
  • Killz4Chips – 5sp6sh640epkr3zu4wg4otct3buck4vwvsqbtwwrwgsgfoz7z4eejad.onion

Dark web links: brief description


A dark web platform providing hosting and support to individuals looking to engage in questionable activities. With encryption and security protocols ensuring anonymity, DeepKillers offers a safe space to conduct business with impunity.


A mysterious online market dedicated to the trading of goods and services between ethically dubious buyers and sellers. From banned substances to cyber weapons, HadesKartel offers users the opportunity to purchase items without repercussions.


We don’t care and we just don’t want to know.


An exclusive online market place offering black market goods from every corner of the globe. Whether you’re looking for rare artifacts or contraband goods, DarkMarketX is the one stop shop for those looking for the best deals in illicit trading.


Offering users a chance to buy and sell illegal music, EDMusic provides an untraceable marketplace for independent artists and music fans alike. With a wide selection of genres and endless potential for profit, EDMusic is the premier platform for underground music commerce.


An all-in-one service provider, catering to all your dark web needs. From hosting to installation and maintenance, Deseardy provides top of the line support services to keep your business running smoothly.


A notorious gaming platform, offering users the chance to engage in intense virtual tournaments and death matches. Whether you’re a novice or a professional, DeathDen allows gamers from all over the world to compete for prizes and glory.


An anonymous market where buyers can purchase goods of any kind without the risk of their identity being known. Boasting the lowest prices on the dark web, PhantomBuy ensures that customers will always get the best deal.


A shadowy platform for the sale and trade of military-grade weapons. With cutting edge encryption services and secure payment options, SilentWeaponz is the premier destination for global arms dealers.


An encrypted platform for the anonymous exchanging of data. Safe from prying eyes, FlamingCloud allows users to covertly communicate and share files without any risk of being tracked.


A gathering spot for those willing to take things to the extremes. Whether it’s burning cars or getting up to no good, MayhemMasters allows users to partake in illegal activities without the risk of getting caught.


A secret online hideout for organized crime. With password encryption protecting the identity of those involved, UndergroundMafia boasts a safe and secure space to conduct business outside of the public eye.


An online black market with a vast array of goods for sale. From illegal weapons to drugs and contraband, Phantombuyer allows buyers to purchase items without detected.


An online forum offering illegal forums, conversations, and services, free from government surveillance. With powerful encryption and anonymous transactions, TheDarkSide offers its users the freedom to discuss and debate whatever they choose without fear of reprisal.


Dedicated to providing timely news and updates from the world of cryptocurrencies. Cryptonews is a must-read for anyone looking to stay on top of the latest developments in the digital currency market.


A dark web marketplace for the trading of illegal goods. With stringent security measures in place, VoidBazaar is the ideal place to purchase contraband items without risk of being arrested.


An anonymous publication platform, designed to provide a safe space for the exchange of sensitive information and ideas. With powerful encryption, Spectrum ensures that all submissions remain free from government eyes and censorship.


A web platform designed to allows users to communicate securely. With the highest levels of encryption, DarkRoom ensures that conversations stay private and secure.


An untraceable virtual market specializing in the trade of goods and services. Whether you’re looking to purchase illegal items or just trying to make a quick buck, DarkBarter can accommodate all your needs.


An online community for those interested in cryptocurrency mining. With access to data and resources, DarkMiners offers users the chance to make a fortune by utilizing the power of blockchain technology.


A web platform offering a variety of services for those interested in trading cryptocurrencies. VanguardNet provides users with easy access to market data and analysis to help make informed decisions.


A web protocol for the anonymous transmission of data. With powerful encryption protocols, Robotext offers users the greatest protection against government surveillance and censorship.


An exclusive online gathering spot for those looking to participate in illicit activities and engage in subversive acts. With powerful security measures in place, BlackMask ensures its users the freedom to operate without fear of consequence.


An untraceable market for the buying and selling of illegal items. From weapons to drugs and more, DarkSpace offers its users an unparalleled selection of goods and services undetected.


Offering a vast array of weapons and gear to individuals looking to arm themselves. With military grade encryption, ValhallaMarket gives users the opportunity to purchase weapons without worry of repercussions.


An online gathering spot for digital criminals of all varieties. Whether you’re a hacker or a thief, DarkRobin open its doors to all criminals and offers a safe and secure space to conduct business.


A black market platform dedicated to the trading and exchange of illicit goods and services. Whether you’re an amateur or a professional, LuciferX provides a perfect outlet for those looking engage in criminal activities without risk of being caught.


An exclusive platform for the trading of black market items. Boasting the lowest prices on the dark web, ShadowNet ensures that customers will always get the best deal.


An untraceable platform for the buying and selling of any item, item of any kind or price. Revolution offers its users the chance to purchase goods without the risk of being detected.


A mysterious online hideout for the exchange of illegal goods. With end-to-end encryption, DarkLand ensures anonymity and security for all its users.


Another dark web drugs marketplace. They say they’re based all over Europe and can ship to Canada, USA and even Australia. No fear of detection.


An online warzone for gamers who want to test their skills against the toughest opponents. With head to head battles and tournaments, CyberWars provides intense gaming experience without fear of detection.


An illegal market for the buying and selling of stolen data. With powerful encryption protocols, DataThieves provides a secure platform for the exchange of sensitive information and ideas.


A dark web platform offering betting services and games of chance. Whether you’re looking to take a risk or make some quick cash, BINGO has all you need to get in the game without detection.


An Africa-based famous Congo cartel, shipping from Uganda and South Africa, saying that they know they have the cheapest prices for gold. They sell gold in limited quantities to get Bitcoin that they spend for other purposes (from their description).


An underground black market dedicated to the buying and selling of illegal goods and services. From drugs to weapons, SinisterMarket provides a safe and anonymous space for criminals to operate without detection.


An untraceable platform for the buying and selling of banned substances. With significant discounts and secure payment options, ToxicSurf is the premier destination for those looking to purchase outlawed items without any risk of being caught.


An encrypted platform for the anonymous exchange of goods and services. With powerful server encryption, TorchMarketplace provides an untraceable space for users to join in on the dark web economy.


An online gambling platform, giving users the chance to wager their funds on any virtual game of their choice. With access to a wide selection of games, TheHighSpot offers an unparalleled betting experience without the risk of detection.


A dark web forum where ideas can be shared and exchanged without fear of censorship or reprisals. With end-to-end encryption, TheLost allows users to share their thoughts and ideas with other like-minded individuals without worry of being tracked or identified.


An anonymous platform for the storage of sensitive data and information. With powerful encryption protecting every file and record, DeepVault ensures users the utmost security and privacy to protect the confidential data they store in the vault.


An underground black market offering a vast array of illegal goods and services. Whether you’re looking to purchase weapons, drugs, or contraband, ExtinctionMarket is the ideal destination to conduct business without detection.


An illegal gaming platform hosting a variety of tournaments and death matches. With encryption protocols in place to ensure the safety of users, Killz4Chips provides an intense gaming experience without risk of detection.



Buy Stuff, Safe Secure, Anonymous

trending in FAQs

  • Yes, there are secure messaging services on the dark web. One example is Ricochet, a secure instant messaging app that uses Tor to make sure all communication is

    Last Updated: June 7, 2023|
  • In order to access the dark web, you must first download a secure web browser, such as the Tor browser. This will allow you to access the dark web and browse cont

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  • No, given the nature of the dark web, it is not recommended to join any dark web dating websites. Such websites may contain malicious content or scams, and they o

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  • Yes, there is a black market for stolen credit cards on the dark web. This market is illegal and dangerous as it allows criminals to sell stolen information and c

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  • Yes, there are legitimate uses of the dark web. Organizations such as journalists, activists, and whistleblowers may use the dark web for secure communication or

    Last Updated: June 7, 2023|

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